Since April 2021, Southend West Young Conservatives have emerged once more into the 21st century for those under the age of 26 with Andy Wilkins (pictured left with Cllr Paul Gilson and Sir David Amess MP) being elected as chairman and Theo Paphitis elected as vice chairman.
Our goal is very simple and set into three simple ways:
Firstly to help play our part in ensuring Southend Borough Council is led by Southend Conservatives and to ensure our candidates are well supported during elections and non-election periods.
Secondly, we will ensure our YC members are treated as valued equals when with each other and with older members of the party. This being done through equal treatment when at party events and functions.
Thirdly, we aim to help grow our members into better individuals than they currently are by offering trips, socials, chances to meet other YC’s across the country at events and conferences alongside campaigning and the ability to stand as a future Southend Borough Councillor candidate whilst with us.
We work with numerous Young Conservative groups to ensure our members are given the best opportunities that we can offer as a party both locally and nationally.
We hold a strong zero-hatred stance towards any type of discrimination whether a comment be based on ones gender, ethnicity or personal background including that of sexuality.
If interested in joining us and our youth wing, please contact chairman Andy Wilkins at where he can give more information about our regular meets alongside much more.